Sound therapy is based on the theory that human cells, organs, and tissues have each a natural resonant frequency which changes when perturbed by illness. Sound workers apply different audible frequencies and combinations of sound waves which can entrain malfunctioning components back to their healthy vibratory state and promote natural healing within the body. A sound practitioner uses various instruments such as Tibetan singing bowls, crystal bowls, tingshaws and drums to create a vibration that travels through the body deep into the tissues and cells creating a harmonious effect. Other instruments such as tuning forks can be activated and placed directly on the body for more profound effects. A complete balancing effect is obtained after receiving sound treatment.
Benefits of Soundwork:
• Open up a dialogue with our inner selves that reaches beyond words.
• Allow us to express a range of feelings, images, issues and memories that may lay hidden within.
• Increase imaginative responses to real life challenges.
• Engage our inquisitive or inventive nature, like a child.
• Relieve stress and tension.
• Help us become less self conscious and self-critical and encourage creative freedom.
• Access and deepen our own inner artistry and self-expression.
• Connect us to inner wisdom and compassion.
• Help manage and transform emotional stress during challenging life transitions, loss or grief.
Soundwork can be very beneficial when incorporated with other holistic modalities such as Reiki and chakra balancing.
Balance, stress relief and even pain reduction can be achieved through sound healing work. Try it out today!
Soundwork originated in the ancient healing modalities of tribal cultures. Music and sound have enabled people of all backgrounds to raise awareness and increase wellness throughout recorded history.
Think of the sound of chalk on a blackboard……the sound of trains braking. These sounds set off a chemical change in your body which gives you a physical reaction. These reactions are not necessarily positive but there are, of course, beneficial sounds too such as music from a harp or softly played piano. The science of quantum physics tells us that everything is made up of vibration: rocks, gases, a heart, grass, etc. Sound is audible vibration. Humans have been using sound for healing for centuries in the form of drumming, chants, bells and gongs, and now, tones. Sound enters our auric fields, our ears, our brain, and then every part of our body. It has the ability to make significant changes in our physiology and emotions.