Experience the timeless wisdom of the plant kingdom and its healing properties. Aromatherapy is the use of botanical essential oils to balance and rejuvenate body, mind and spirit and to help alleviate symptoms of illness. The main application of essential oils is done through lymphatic drainage massage. The lymphatic system is the waste removal system in the body and its main line defence against harmful bacteria. Because essential oils are anti-bacterial and biotic in nature, they can flow through the lymph system aiding in the elimination of harmful micro-organisms. The massage helps to regulate circulation by clearing congested veins, balancing hormones and stimulating the lymph system. The specific techniques used help move the lymph fluid from stagnant areas in the body to the main lymph node drainage areas. Unlike the heart, the lymphatic system has no pump of its own, so we need to aid our lymph system in doing its job of eliminating toxins. The lymph nodes do the collection and filtering of waste material from cell fluid, while the lymph vessels return the fluid back to the general circulation. It clears the entire body, stopping excess fluid from lying around in the tissues. It always heads towards the heart. A lymphatic drainage massage is the best way to do this along with exercising and dry brushing of the skin with a natural bristle brush.
A customized blend of essential oils is created to address the individual concerns of the client. Essential oils work on a physical level as well as on a vibrational and energetic level giving the client a complete holistic treatment when aromatherapy is used in conjunction with massage.
This treatment is a wonderful addition to any detoxification or weight loss program, and can be used for health maintenance, stress reduction and general relaxation.
Other benefits are:
Physiological improvements with all of our different body systems (cardio vascular, digestive, endocrine, urinary, nervous, respiratory and lymphatic systems)
Improvement with anxiety, insomnia, PMS & menopause symptoms, low energy, weak immune system, swollen ankles and edema, cellulite, and many more
Improvement with moods and emotional well-being - different oil blends can create different effects on us such as aphrodisiac, regulating, euphoric, mental stimulant, sedative or invigorating